Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Gah, I don't even know why I get my hopes up any more...

I HATE this!

If you haven't already guessed, Franklin was CC'd. And check this out. It was for the exact same thing Eagle had.

We just found out this morning. Our leader said that the trainers said that they had delayed in CCing him because he was so good. Their exact words were "he was on his way to success." They said that he was one of the hardest working dogs they had had in a while, and that he obviously wanted to work. They were even considering moving him into the accelerated program.

But, after two weeks in the harness, he started limping. It wasn't a very large limp, but it was still there. And if he was limping after just two weeks, how bad would it get if he was constantly in the harness?

Two amazing dogs, both career changed for the same thing. That would make four dogs from our club in the last 12 months to be CC'd for Luxating knees.

One of these days I will get a dog without a medical problem... hopefully...


Emily said...

O no!! I am SO sorry!! I'm sure Franklin will find a wonderful home and have a great life, though, even if it wasn't what you wanted :( Good job for raising him!

Sarah and the Pack. said...

Oh no! Those medical cc's seem to be so hard, because you KNOW they want to work. I am sure he will have an amazing life being a companion! His brother was just cc'd this week too, though not for a medical reason.

Megan and Orleans said...

I am so sorry to hear about Franklins CC. Medican CCs are the worst!! Especially when you know they love to work. I am sure he will find the perfect place for him. Good luck Franklin and good job Taelor raising an awesome puppy!!

Elizabeth and Peyton said...

Wow. What a bummer, Taelor! I'm so, so sorry. You WILL get some good luck now, though. I know it! Career changes are always terribly hard, but I think medicals are the worst.

As for genealogy, why don't you shoot me a message: ebeth[at]asis[dot]com

Erin said...

I'm so sorry to hear that! MAn :(((
At least we know you did a great job with him, and someone will have an awesome pet!

Infrequent Flyers said...

So sorry about Franklin, Taelor--I'm sure it's heartbreaking and frustrating. If I see my neighbor trainer again, I will see what he says about Franklin. Hope you'll update us on what the next steps for Franklin will be.